Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lit Term: Colloquialism

folksy speech, slang words, or phrases usually used in informal conversation

-It's everyday speech.  How you communicate with your friends.  You shouldn't use this type of language with a teacher.

Tonight's gonna be a good night.  (Tonight is going to be a good night.)
I wanna go get some grub.  (I want to get some food.)
He just sat down and dozed off.  (He just sad down and took a nap.)


  1. Haha. Thank you, Dania. :)
    I tried to think of a really good video example.

  2. Such a great visual! Definitely defined the word using the most excellent examples, a clip from Next Friday would have been great as well :)

  3. The clip was the perfect example for your word! I won't be forgetting what colloquialism means anytime soon. Jersey Shore does in fact serve a purpose in our society besides being idiotic entertainment!

  4. I love your example for this! It's something the majority of the people from our generation understand and our parents would have no clue as to what the cast of Jersey Shore is saying half the time. Good job!
