Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Roy Christopher

   ·              “The medium is the message”
o   Medium is the most important thing
·             Didn’t plan to be in the computer business
oMagazines for BMX caught his eye on the internet
·             “Hip-hop culture the starting point for the twenty first century culture”
·             Technology offers a mixture of cultures
·             Older generations don’t trust younger generations
o   Internet is not only used for social networking and games; my generations (this class) also uses it for academic reasons
·              Technology challenges or opportunities in younger generations?
o   Younger generation can help the older generations with the technology that they don’t know
·              Multitasking?
o   Typing an essay and being on  Facebook – the essay would be more academic if a person is not on Facebook
o   Effects a quality on a certain task

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